Friday, May 24, 2013

Summer Vacation is officially Here!

This was the last week of school and because we had 4 kids going at 3 different times and days, I'm going to break this down by Day. 

Monday: Gavin had regular school, Aevarie only had Mayday practice and this was Zoe and Paisley's last day of preschool. I WISH WISH WISH I knew they had a little program going on, but I didn't and it didn't really matter cause Zoe refused to be a part of it and sat on my lap the whole time. They did have a fun time though and got to go to McDonalds. 

Tuesday: Gavin had regular school and Aevarie only had Mayday practice again. 

Wednesday: Mayday Performance. 

I get to post a cool awesome picture like Crys, where you have to play "Where's Waldo" to find my kids. I made bright green arrows to make it easier. 

Aevarie danced to the "Gummy Bear Song" (which they've been singing non-stop). I really wish I could post the video. She's such a cute little dancer! 

I'm not sure what song Gavin danced to, but he was really getting into it too. 

Thursday: Junior Olympics Day
This was the first year I got to see Gavin at Jumior Olympics. Gavin is a really good little athlete, something to do with all that energy..... Here's some pics from that day. 

Balloon catapult

Red Rover


3-legged race.


The girls got in on the tug-o-war too. 

They had a booth set up with water and banana's for all of the kids, and they told my girls to take as much as they wanted......I don't think they realized how many banana's these girls can eat! 

Paisley decided to use the back of the stroller as a chair.

Zoe getting yet ANOTHER banana

And of course Zoe telling all of her tiredness woes to her banana friend before eating him. 

This was Aevaries last day of  Kindergarten. :(

Friday: Gavins official last day of school. They only went for 1 hour and 45 minutes. When Gavin got home, he promptly got into his comfy pajamas and declared that since he had woken up too early (7:45am) that he needed more sleep. lol

After lunch we went out to the park. All of the kids rode something and it took FOR - EV - ER to walk the 3 blocks up to the park. I was honestly ready to go back home and take a nap as soon as we got there!
I did let the kids play though. Gavin gave Jude a ride in his go-kart:

The kids had races down the grass hill:

We got to swing, which despite the picture, he really doesn't enjoy.

Aevarie helped Paisley cross the monkey bars:

Zoe spent her time doing some very serious riding and smashing bugs:

And when Gavin wasn't in his go-kart, Jude kept climbing in. 

Gavin is already giving him driving tips.....

So that was our lovely last week of school. 
Tomorrow our town has a festival so we'll take the kids down and walk around all of the booths. 
You can look forward to my guest blog coming up soon and hopefully I will get into a better blogging schedule! 
Have a lovely day and YAY FOR SUMMER!

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